I recently read this article at fastcompany.com. I was so glad to read this article because at Riverbend, we firmly believe that investing in training and development of your managers now will only make your company better in the future. We have seen companies decide not to invest training hours and dollars into first time, early, and middle management. They opt, instead, to spend time and money on front line sales, only followed by call center or customer service and maybe some executive management or legal training initiatives.
So often, great individual contributors get promoted into a management position with a pat on the back and a “go get ‘em tiger!” These employees were excellent at their jobs and meeting their quota but as we all know, skills that made that employee great at their previous job are rarely transferable to leading others or managing other managers. They are not set up with the tools and support to be successful in their new roles!
On top of that already existing dynamic, Fast Company does a great job highlighting critical skills that need to be brought into the mix to ready managers for 2025.
We often say internally and to our clients: “the pace of change is accelerating! We have a choice to look at change as an opportunity or a threat.” For those of us who want to see an opportunity – and get that competitive advantage quicker- we must get ourselves and our teams through the change curve quicker. One of the most crucial steps to getting through resistance to change is providing a work environment and adequate skills to people. The environment and skills training enables employees to adapt to the change and work their way through the curve faster and into a high performing “new normal.”
Moran, in this Fast Company article, provides a great perspective on the training changes that are needed. We recommend that all our clients should take pause to think about the recommendations outlined in the article and do an inventory against current talent and future talent acquisition strategies. Those who seize it early, will stay ahead of the curve.
After your needs assessment, for those you who need help in:
- Change Management or the Change Curve,
- “Outcentric Leadership”
- Communication and Relationship Management
- Collaboration and Building High Performance Teams
- Transparency and Alignment
- or Emotional Intelligence
We would love to support you!